A New Era

Well, that was a quite the hiatus I took from writing. Funny how life happens and you suddenly realize the things you intended to do on a daily basis were somehow left in the corner to collect dust bunnies for the past couple years. I'd like to say that I was voraciously involved in some greater writing scheme, that blogging took back seat to penning the great American novel, but no, I was simply living life and writing quietly became obsolete in light of, well, life...

There is now a little gurgling boy residing in our house who will one day call me "Mommy" when he figures out how to make his sweet raspy voice form words instead of the precious coos and growls he currently communicates in. So while I wasn't writing nearly as much as I should have, there has been good reason for the hiatus of writing, because this little boy and his daddy are my entire world and sometimes words are not enough to express just what they mean to me.

I was teaching during the two years I wasn't actually writing and to be honest, there was a great deal of writing that occurred then that probably could make up for my lapse. However, I'm not certain that commenting on grammatical errors and pointing out flaws in persuasive essays count as legitimate creative writing. But teaching did slowly draw me back to writing, as a sweet song of a bluebird draws one outside on a spring day, charmingly and full of silly little trills and lilting notes floating on the breeze. So it was a note on a post-it here and lines scribbled on scraps of paper there. I suppose I shall organize them at some point, probably in stolen moments when little man is sleeping and I should be doing laundry or making dinner. But I must write. That small voice is still there wanting to say something that resonates within the soul, that captures the heart with the honesty of living a simple little life, and that assures me that it is still there in the background waiting for the noise of living to subside for just a moment.

Thus, I re-enter the world of the written word. And who knows, perhaps I will yet pen a novel, not so much great as charmingly honest in the simplicity of real life storytelling. We shall see...

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