Call the Spade a Spade

Let's be clear about two things regarding the San Bernardino shootings:
1. Guns don't kill people. People kill people.
2. This was not a random mass shooting. This was an Islamic terror act.

Gun control talks dealing with this matter are so off base they make Al Gore look like a briliant mind of science. Gun control is NOT the answer--case in point, California has some of the most restrictive gun control laws in the nation and the terror act yesterday was carried out using assault weapons that are illegal in Cali. Gun control only works to restrict law abiding gun owners because criminals and those who seek to do evil will procure weapons by any means possible.

The two shooters were both Muslim, which is why the FBI has been involved from the get go. This was an act of terror. It was calculated, it was planned, and it was motovated by Islamic extremist ideology. So, tell me again how Islam is a religion of peace, because according to ISIS, 9/11, Israel's constant threat of annihilation by the Arab Muslim world, and the Paris attacks, to name just a handful of the barbarism perpetrated in the name of Islam, are testifying otherwise.

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